Saturday, August 3, 2019

The Power of Now Free Pdf

Title: The Power of Now Pdf
To make the journey into The Power of Now you need to leave your analytical mind and its false created self, the ego, behind. Access to the Now is everywhere - in the body, the silence, and the space all around you. These are the keys to enter a state of inner peace. They can be used to bring you into the Now, the present moment, where problems do not exist. It is here you find your joy and are able to embrace your true self. It is here you discover that you are already complete and perfect.

Although the journey is challenging, Eckhart Tolle offers simple language in a question and answer format. The words themselves are the signposts to guide you on your journey. There are new discoveries to be made along the way: you are not your mind, you can find your way out of psychological pain, authentic human power is found by surrendering to the Now. When you become fully present and accepting of what is, you open yourself to the transforming experience of The Power of Now.

Psychologist claims this is the best self-help book for anxiety or depression I have over 25 years of experience as a clinical psychologist. This is hands down the best self-help book I have ever come across, and can not fathom why the very simple and straight-forward concepts Tolle presents were never once mentioned in my grad school training or any of the countless professional development workshops I have attended over the years. If you are dealing with depression and/or anxiety, this is the book to get. But you need to read it slowly, to take it in bit by bit, and actually pause to practice what he is explaining in each section to benefit from it. You can't just skim it and expect to understand it in a way that will open your life and help you experience the freedom and ease of this very moment. I keep it by my bed and re-read sections all the time. Thank you Eckhart!Great combo. Focus on the NOW :-). Bought the Silent Mind ~ Antique Design Tibetan Singing Bowl Set ~ With Mallet & Silk Cushion ~ For Meditation, Chakra Healing, Prayer ,Yoga, and Mindfulness ~ Perfect Gift with the "Power of Now" , so I thought I'd make a special joint review to talk about how I am using them both.I love Eckhart and his teachings on the "Power of Now". He really shows us how to slow down from our busy hectic lives and appreciate being in the moment. His teaching also help keep me "out of my own head" , I have the tendency to worry about future events, and rehearse past events.I decided to experiment with a singing bowl to see if it would help get me "into the now" before doing mindfulness meditation, to help stop my mind from drifting to the future and past. This singing bowl is a real gem! The sound is beautiful, simply strike the bowl before starting meditation and hold your concentration on the sound until it fades into silence. It really helps you relax into the meditation and get into the now... Also, if you catch yourself getting distracted you can tap the bowl again, and follow the sound to pull your attention back into the now.Great combo for study and practical use.I had spent my life reading thousands of books trying to "figure it out" to make my way to a place of happiness and functionalit I was feeling suicidal and had been for two years. I was completely done with life, with trying to heal my emotional traumas, limitations and with trying to be a full-functioning adult. I felt trapped inside an endless corridor of meaninglessness and pain.The Saturday morning when I was contemplating really ending it, I heard an inner voice say "one last book, read one last book and if you still want to kill yourself, go ahead." This was my "last book" I read it three months ago and haven't returned to that dark and hopeless place yet.It taught me how to disconnect from the insanity of the mind. I had spent my life reading thousands of books trying to "figure it out" to make my way to a place of happiness and functionality, what Tolle explains that trying to solve the problems of thought from the level of thought is an impossibility. When we let go of mind-consciousness we do not become a meditative vegetable, instead, we gain access to the consciousness of our whole body and a more advanced awareness. I know it sounds weird, but it works. When I can stay present everything I do becomes more effective, and my social skills are way better now then they have ever been.I don't mean to say that this is the be-all and end-all to human growth, but it has in fact saved my life, so I figured it at least deserved a good review. I am no longer helpless in the face of crushing memories and emotions. Thank you, Mr. Tolle.

Tags: B00005AAPL pdf,The Power of Now pdf,,Eckhart Tolle, New World Library,The Power of Now,New World Library,B00005AAPL

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